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Anne Delaunay, Partner
Communications Director in a company, then Consulting Director in a firm, is a graduate of Néoma and a certified professional coach. Anne's expertise covers individual, group and team coaching, facilitation, communication, change management and co-development. She is certified in the Genos® model (assessment of emotional intelligence behaviours for productive leadership), an NLP practitioner and a certified Process Communication Model® coach. She is proficient in a wide range of coaching techniques and tools, and works on a "made-to-measure" basis, adapting to the specific needs of her clients.  
Anne intervenes in unclear and uncertain contexts. She excels at translating corporate strategy into motivational motives, while respecting the constraints and coherence of the whole. She ensures that everyone participates calmly in the group's development and performance, takes action and achieves measurable results. Her work focuses on broadening and objectifying her clients' vision, increasing personal and collective effectiveness, performance and commitment, and improving well-being.  
For the past 8 years, she has specialised in supporting cultural transformation projects involving new ways of working and collaborating. She works closely with employees, teams and managers who need to create new rituals to maintain cohesion (trust-based management, management and remote working, feedback, job induction, flex work, etc.).      
Anne is currently the leader of Club Apm Limoges Turgot.



Anne Delaunay

+33 (0)6 80 25 63 20

V2 Partners, V2 Partners Coaching, Coaching Cadres Managers, Coaching Teams, Coaching Individual



37 - 39 rue Ledru Rollin - 75012 Paris - France


Rue de Batissou - 87570 Rilhac-Rancon - France

Telephone: +33 (0)6 45 76 04 88


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Executive Coaching - Coaching Limoges - V2 Partners
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